Wholesale & recommended retail prices for the Roderick Vere Planetary Collection listed below. Click on an image for more detailed product information (opens in a new window).

  • Minimum order: £150

  • Carriage paid: £250

  • Vat: n/a

For downloadable product images check out the Roderick Vere Downloads Page.



Sterling Silver Statement Ring


(RRP £90.00) CODE MER


Sterling Silver Statement Ring


(RRP £105.00) CODE JUR


22k Gold Plated Statement Ring


(RRP £130.00) CODE URR


Sterling Silver Stud Earrings


(RRP £75.00) CODE EAE


Sterling Silver Push-Through Cufflinks


(RRP £105.00) CODE EAC


22k Gold Plated Push-Through Cufflinks


(RRP £135.00) CODE VEC


Sterling Silver Statement Ring


(RRP £95.00) CODE EAR


22k Gold Plated Statement Ring


(RRP £120.00) CODE MAR


22k Gold Plated Statement Ring


(RRP £135.00) CODE SAR


22k Gold Plated Stud Earrings


(RRP £85.00) CODE MAE


Sterling Silver Push-Through Cufflinks


(RRP £115.00) CODE NEC


22k Gold Plated Push-Through Cufflinks


(RRP £145.00) CODE URC


Sterling Silver Statement Ring


(RRP £100.00) CODE NER


22k Gold Plated Statement Ring


(RRP £125.00) CODE VER


Sterling Silver Stud Earrings


(RRP £70.00) CODE MEE


22k Gold Plated Stud Earrings


(RRP £90.00) CODE VEE


Sterling Silver Push-Through Cufflinks


(RRP £125.00) CODE JUC


22k Gold Plated Push-Through Cufflinks


(RRP £155.00) CODE SAC